Monday, June 1, 2009

Big Dummy for me!

I have finally picked out my next bike. I have been researching it online for quite a few months now. I started with the Xtracycle site and all the information about the Free Radical. On their site I came across it...the perfect bike for a self-propelled mom...the Big Dummy. Made by Surly for Xtracycle; a complete bike with no need to change out my current bike (not that I have an amazing mtb for the free radical). And so, given that the Big Dummy is made by Surly I had to go to the Surly site

Just look at it! Longtail, lower center of gravity for hauling. Disc brakes, fabulous loaders. I am in love for sure. The test ride out in Dekalb the other week sealed the deal. Smooth, stable, steady. Sweet!

Obviously I need a larger frame than the one I rode. Also, I will probably go ahead and build it out myself, buying the frameset only. And I am so excited. I have never built out a bike before so the endeavor is both enticing yet overwhelming.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Boy is it ever time for Spring cleaning...mentally, emotionally, physically...self, home, bike, wardrobe. This time of year amazes me. What is it about the change of seasons and urges to make one's own changes? As the weather warms and the breeze starts to feel good through slightly opened windows my thoughts seem to automatically turn to clearing out the old and purging the clutter.The last dregs of winter doldrums ready to slide from my mind and trickle away to nothing. My spirits lift and I think with excitement of the upcoming days. All the places not visited during the winter now beckon to me, my bike, and the wee one. Surely a trip to the zoo is forthcoming along with myriad trips to parks and playgrounds.But first, fitting the bike for our travels. We have moved from the old Raleigh tank to an old, but not so tankish Trek. Got his seat on it, all is oiled but still need to get the rack mounted...gotta have a place to carry our stuff! Need slighter higher stem for the handlebars, lights, new pedals, and new seat. All should be pretty easy to take care of and then we will be set to ride anywhere. Oh yeah, lets not forget lots of sunshine to bring some warmth on these still rather cool days.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Everyone's Twittering About It

I am trying to learn about Twitter and all its associated functions and uses. Wow. Who would have thought that microblogging (140 characters or less) could be so powerful. The informal guidelines and approaches to make this an effective platform seem simple yet I often feel lost as I learn to navigate this aspect of the internet world. I have the assistance of other "tweeters" though who occasionally send me specific links to check out. For instance,,-Engaging-Conversation-and-Sharing-Information&id=1780341

In a nutshell, this is a social and/or business networking platform. Thoughtful tidbits of information available to anyone who chooses to follow my tweets or search keywords that appear in my tweets.

Talk about a wealth of information! I peruse the "tweets" of those I choose to follow and quickly get inundated with links to sites on am limited only by boundaries I set by my choices.

Monday, February 23, 2009

3 Months Gone By...a world of change

Wow. Haven't been around here for a good 3 months. Crashing computer contributed to that. Its amazing how attached one becomes to the computer. Without it, I felt cut off and isolated. In my stay-at-home mom life choice, the Internet has been a major source of connection to others. And I am talking on many levels: the winter bike listserv that fuels my cycling spirit; email for contact with friends and family; Facebook for socializing and networking from a distance; Google for curiosity searches.

So with no computer and weather too cold and icy for riding with the wee one I hit the winter doldrums hard. Thankfully, I am moving on. Still not on the bike with the wee one but am back in computer land and am emerging from seclusion...and not just through the Internet.

The past month and a half has brought significant change with my decision to return to the workforce. I remain a stay-at-home mom but have started a business as a fashion consultant. Perhaps I should say image consultant...that is part of the goal I am working toward at any rate.

And throughout this process I plan to remain true to the values and lifestyle choices of our household:
Good health
Lifestyle inclusive of physical activity...aikido, bicycling, running, hiking trips, etc.
Positive relationship with my husband
Positive relationship with my children
Time to spend with my family
Okay, maybe some have slipped in the past 3 months but I am back on track now.