Saturday, November 15, 2008

Vicious Cycle

Wow. I just took the time to actually look at my riding. Seems I am in a slump. To go from 50 plus miles per week to the piddly amount I am at the past two weeks. I can feel it too. Funny how I love to be out on my bike so much but lately I have just felt the need to hibernate. I must admit that the approach of winter always brings a bit of a drag into my life. Too much darkness, not enough light. For all that I am a night creature, I do need sunshine during the daytime hours.

So I think of the vicious cycle I face this time of year. It is darker, more grey, a bit dreary so I don't ride so much. I don't ride so much and then I feel even less like getting outside. When I worked outside the home it was easy to combat this...I needed to get to my job...pedal pedal pedal and I feel fine. Now though, I don't have all that many places I need to go. Lets see, there is the grocery store and aikido class.

I guess my challenge for this winter season will be to find reasons to get out on the bike every day. I know it will help my mood, keep me fit, bring me that feeling of freedom I so very much crave....funny how those things aren't always that motivating.