Monday, June 1, 2009

Big Dummy for me!

I have finally picked out my next bike. I have been researching it online for quite a few months now. I started with the Xtracycle site and all the information about the Free Radical. On their site I came across it...the perfect bike for a self-propelled mom...the Big Dummy. Made by Surly for Xtracycle; a complete bike with no need to change out my current bike (not that I have an amazing mtb for the free radical). And so, given that the Big Dummy is made by Surly I had to go to the Surly site

Just look at it! Longtail, lower center of gravity for hauling. Disc brakes, fabulous loaders. I am in love for sure. The test ride out in Dekalb the other week sealed the deal. Smooth, stable, steady. Sweet!

Obviously I need a larger frame than the one I rode. Also, I will probably go ahead and build it out myself, buying the frameset only. And I am so excited. I have never built out a bike before so the endeavor is both enticing yet overwhelming.