Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Have to..."

I spent a bit of this past week thinking about the phrase I have to... and what that really means. It isn't necessarily the imperative that the word have might suggest. For me, I have to... usually means I want to... or I am going to... A big one for me these days is the sentence I have to take my bike. I say this before going to the store, as I walk out the door to ride with my son to school, as I pedal in the rain. The truth though - I could take the bus or even my car that I pretend I no longer own.

I have heard it said that words have power. I believe this to be true. So creating a life that fosters and nourishes my beliefs requires me to take a look at those beliefs, to examine if what I do fits with them, and even to examine my language.

There really isn't anything wrong with saying I have to... but often I would do better to say I want to... or I choose to... Choice is powerful. Thoughtful choice requires intention and mindfulness. Saying I have to... implies obligation; I choose to... creates freedom.